
“I can see it by my window,
I can hear it through my door
I can feel it in the morning,
like I never felt before.

A new beginning is in the making
Another season is in-store
From the window i can see
And more!!!”

It’s a song that i always remember whenever i want to venture on the new realm of possibilities. I needed it. A re-assurance that somewhere, right before me, are the opportunities to discover what for the longest time rest inside my heart.

My prayer is that the God of all creations would always inspire me to be the best that He created me to be.

And this space in the world-wide-web has become my new notebook to scribble what i stumble upon, what i discover new, or what i reflect on them. And i’m sharing this scribbles with you – my new friends, the same as i shared my hand-held notebooks of scribbling with my old friends.


14 thoughts on “About

  1. “My prayer is that the God of all creations would always inspire me to be the best that He created me to be.” Beautifully written. I think it’s my dream too, to be the best person that God intended for me to be. It’s not always easy to walk in your destiny, the world can be a very cold and hard place but if we somehow always remember that he always wants the best for us we’ll get there.


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